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Hero Banner Image

Marketing Requests

I'm New Here

STC's Marketing Office can assist new employees with obtaining their new business cards, headshots, webpage bios, name tags and more.

Resources for New Hires

Project Requests

The Marketing Office can assist employees with creating professionally  branded items such as flyers, posters, brochures, event invitations, forms and more. Please complete the design project request form below.

About Your Project
What will the finished product be? *
Check all that apply.
Based on the provided quantities and project specs, the Marketing Office will provide a cost estimate so departments can submit requisitions for the items.
Please select the date you would like to have your project completed by. Please note that professional printing will add 1-2 weeks on to your completion date.

Please upload any examples, hardlined copies or other materials relevant to the project.



All photography requests, including headshots and event photography, may be made my emailing the Marketing Office at

Please complete the website update request from below. 

Please upload any examples, hardlined copies, screenshots or other materials relevant to the edit.



STC asks all employees to have a uniform, consistent email signature. The Email Signature Creator is available on myTech.

Email signature layout

Create Your Email Signature


Please email the Marketing Office at to share information, stories or other good news. The Marketing Office will follow up with additional information for a potential news story, media pitch, social media post, newsletter item, feature story or other collateral. Be sure to include:

  • Who
  • What
  • When 
  • Where
  • Why
  • Any photos that you may have. 

All requests for media coverage may be made my emailing the Marketing Office at

The STC Brand Identity Standards manual includes general social media guidelines, best practices, a list of approved STC-affiliated social media accounts, and instructions and procedures for establishing an approved new page or site. 

The Southeast Technical College website directory includes biographical information for full-time faculty members. Part-time staff and adjunct faculty do not appear in the website directory and do not need to complete a biography.

To submit your information or to make an edit, please click the button below.

Submit your Bio

Branded Materials

Departments that wish to order pop-up banner stands for department recruiting and other events my do so emailing

Three banner stands with STC imaging on a white background

Banner stands are approximately 3’ wide by 6’ tall with vinyl or fabric graphics and silver casing. The cost is approximately $250 and a PO number is required before design work begins. 

New and current employees can order business cards by completing the name tag order form. Name tags are plastic with a magnetic strip on the back. They will delivered after printing via inter-office mail.

Name tags are issued to all full-time employees. Part-time staff and adjunct faculty do not need to order name tags.

Name Tag Layout

Order a Name Tag

Clinical instructors in need of a Clinical ID should contact

Departments that wish to order a tablecloth for department recruiting and other events my do so emailing

Images of artwork with STC branding

Tablecloths are convertible covers that work on a 6’ or 8’ table. The logo may be modified to reflect an academic department or campus office. The cost is approximately $250 and a PO number is required before design work begins. 

Business cards are issued to full-time employees. New and current employees can order business cards by completing the business card order form. A proof will be sent to the email address on the card and be delivered after printing via inter-office mail. Part-time staff and adjunct faculty do not need to order business cards.


Business Card sample

Order Business Cards

Each academic year, all departments on campus will be able to place stationery and envelope orders for their individual department needs. Items include:

  • Envelopes
  • Letterhead
  • Note cards
  • Folders

The Marketing Office will facilitate that order to ensure quality, branding and economical bulk pricing and will complete a voucher with the appropriate department cost centers for billing and payment to the vendor(s). 

Branding Resources

The Southeast Technical College Brand Identity Standards manual is a comprehensive document that outlines the visual, tonal and messaging elements of the STC brand, including color palettes, typography, logo use, social media standards and a writing style guide. 

Brand Identity Standards and STC Logo

View Brand Identity Standards


PANTONE 301 0-73-135 100-72-27-11 #004987
PANTONE 298 64-180-229 64-10-1-0 #40B4E5
PANTONE  2767 C 20-40-75 75-45-0-71 #14284BE
PMS 390 181-189-0 34-12-100-0 #B5BD00
PMS 27-8 224-126-36 0-62-97-0 #F47E24

Additional details can be found in the Brand Identity Standards manual.

The Marketing Office provides several variations of branded Power Point templates for general campus use. Employees with credentials may access via myTech. 

PPT Thumbnail - dark template 1
PPT Thumbnail - dark template 2
PPT Thumbnail - dark template 3
PPT Thumbnail - Light template 1
PPT Thumbnail - Light template 2
PPT Thumbnail - Light template 3

Employees with credentials may access and download several standard versions of the STC logo for print and web use on myTech, under the Employee tab. 

Stacked logo thumbnail
Two-Line Logo
STC one-line logo
STC Horizontal Logo Thumb

go to mytech

Artwork for unique projects, logos with alternative layouts or with department or office modifiers can be requested by emailing

Practical, career-focused and collaborative, Southeast Technical College's voice is all about empowering students to take the next step in their professional journey. 

Our brand speaks to an audience of ambitious individuals seeking to enhance their skills and career prospects through hands-on learning experiences. 

Our tone is professional yet approachable, and highlights our commitment to real-world, industry-relevant education.

When writing for Southeast Tech, focus on the practical benefits of the programs offered, the success stories of past students and the collaborative nature of the learning experience.

Additional guidance can be found in the Our Voice and Writing Style Guide sections of the Brand Identity Standards manual.